Star Trek Online Khitomer Acord, Announced

Details of “Special Task Force Missions: Khitomer Accord”, an upcoming content update for “Star Trek Online”, have been released.


“If you’re looking for a challenge, look no further than our upcoming “Special Task Force” Missions – Raid Episodes, which combine bold storytelling with our toughest five-man missions yet.



STF: Khitomer Accord

  • Finally, the mysteries of the Borg attack on Vega Colony are revealed! Why did the Borg attack there, and how was an unprepared Starfleet able to defeat them?
  • Confront the Borg before they can use temporal anomalies to change the past of the Federation.
  • Warp back into your own past, in the hours before the attack on Vega Colony.
  • Discover a base where thousands of Borg drones are being held in stasis. What are the Borg’s plans for this hidden army?
  • Starfleet’s not ready for the Borg. A defeat here could mean that the entire Alpha Quadrant falls. Balance the scales and fight the Borg for the preservation of the quadrant.
  • Learn the fate of a missing Romulan empress.”


Still no significant update for Klingon players.

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