
Yet Another Zombie Attack in Florida

Charles Barker, 26-year-old Florida man showed up to his girlfriends house on Wednesday, he barged through the door, took off all his cloths, yelled then proceeded to take off all his cloths and start throwing furniture.  

Jeffery Blake, a 48 year old house mate of Bakers girlfriend was attacked, having a large chunk of flesh bite off and eaten by Barker. Blake was able to restrain Barker until Palmento Sheriff’s officers responded on  the scene

Officers attempted to reason with Barker, who was non responsive and gnashed his teeth and pounded his fists. they then proceeded to taser Barker, not once, but twice as Barker was unresponsive to the tasers and removed the probes each time. Additional Officers arrived on scene and where able to tackle Barker and handcuff him.



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