Louisiana School Admins Prove to the World how bigoted they are
A Seven year old boy attending Lafayette School received an F in conduct for talking about his lesbain mothers....
A Seven year old boy attending Lafayette School received an F in conduct for talking about his lesbain mothers....
MPAA and RIAA want immunity from Antitrust suits, just a couple of weeks after both are sued for being...
Mp3.com was recently purchased by Cnet, who deiced to pull the plug on all the content vs allowing Archive.org...
A group comprised of 4400 members was busted by the Korean Police Agency. Korea must be proud to have...
"In an effort to improve its corporate reputation, adware company Gator has launched a legal offensive to divorce its...
Report a bug, go to jail. Can we say, male bovine feces? On top of that, its those "bugs"...
People sued by RIAA claim ignorance, RIAA claims 261 of them are the reason why cd sales have dropped,...
Cybersex, adultery and porn, awesome concepts. Source BBC
While a nation watched PFC Lynch get rescued on prime time, a few days early, only a few hundred...
Three years for sharing a file. Wonder how much money a lobbyist dumped into John Carter's pockets Source
A kid in Dearborn michigan, An area loaded with arabics, An area where you can get your meat "halas"...
Most people are willing to give up their freedoms for security? How can you be secure if you...
People who are fat now blame Fast food joints for making them fat. Not that they stopped there, ate...
HIV growing more wide spread than UN expected. Source Wired
Least He got semi reasonable sentencing Source TheRegister
The ACLU vs the CIPA in a heated battle over using public funds to filter content via the web ...