Obama trying to criminalize journalism

When Left wing journalists Al Hunt,Cokie Roberts and Steve Rattner start complaining about the Administration, there is a  problem. Journalism is under attack, and with it the  1st Amendment rights.Attorney General Eric Holder faces the House Judiciary committee about journalists phone records and IRS improprieties, in Washington, DC.

The White House and the Justice Department want to bring  Espionage chargers against a reporter who did exactly what reporters have done, which is report the news, since the founding of the United States.  Eric Holder and Barack Obama want to being down 200 years of government oversight by the people, through the use of journalists, via the Espionage Act of 1917

They want to criminalize journalism. And that’s what it’s coming down, I mean, if you end up essentially criminalizing journalism or when it comes to reporting on the federal government, particularly on national security, and the only place they can, they think they technically can do that is on the issues of national security. Eventually the Administration will say everything is a national security issue.  The abuse will have no bounds, it will go from whistle blowers to anything an Administration desires all under the guise of national security.

Another example of suppression of free speech,

DOJ: Social Media Posts Trashing Muslims May Violate Civil Rights” Judicial Watch, May 30, 2013 (thanks to Jane)

In its latest effort to protect followers of Islam in the U.S. the Obama Justice Department warns against using social media to spread information considered inflammatory against Muslims, threatening that it could constitute a violation of civil rights.


Given the scandals facing the Obama Administration, From  backing of the Muslim Brother Brotherhood in now politically unstable Egypt, in which an Egyptian news paper reports Obama may have a direct tie to the Muslim Brotherhood, its no wonder the Administration would like to silence  all the media, and criticism. , Other scandels include the IRS strategy to deliberately target conservative organizations and AQaida-linked terror attack on Americans in Benghazi.

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