No Ma’am Feinstein’s Gun Proposal: Unconstitutional

Former United States Marine Joshua Boston has written an open letter to California Senator Dianne Feinstein about her proposed gun control legislation and it’s making waves across the internet. In the letter, Boston tells Feinstein she has no business regulating guns and says he “will not register” his guns even if the bill is passed, because he does not believe it is the “government’s right” to know what weapons he owns. “Unconstitutional laws aren’t laws,” he says.

The letter was first published on CNN iReport and in it, Boston writes, “You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain.” He appeared on CNN Saturday Morning to discuss his views and said he didn’t know the letter would go viral as quickly as it did.

“All the points being brought up by Senator Feinstein — a lot of it is misinformation. It’s fear-mongering,” he added. He also notes in the letter he will not have “some woman” tell him he can no longer have his weapons.

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