Facebook is now a tool of Government sensorship

Facebook having been the tool for DHS intelligence for the last two years is now switching its role to being free-speech hating tools of U.S. government censorship. Facebook is suspending any accounts that are either pro Bill of Rights, Pro 2nd Amendment, Pro Guns or Anti Obama

Some of the Alternative news journalist accounts that where suspended was most of the Staff and the Infowars website itselfFacebook_icon



It is important to stress that most of these accounts have not simply been temporarily suspended, they have been shut down completely. Some are now being reinstated after complaints. Accounts that have been suspended can still be seen but posting rights have been revoked.

A 24 hour suspension was also placed on the Alex Jones Facebook account due to an image that another user had posted in which Alex Jones was tagged.

One of the messages being received by users having their accounts suspended is displayed below. In most cases, users are not even being informed of why their page was suspended or deleted, with Facebook merely referring them to the company’s guidelines.

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