Address of the Journalist who published gun owners in NY

As reported yesterday, Liberal Journalists in all their “brilliance” posted an inactive map of every registered gun owner in the NY area. This gives criminals a map to easily pick victims to , rob, rape and murder with impunity before the police response time. yeah-i-published-gunsowners

Reporter of the story


Dwight R Worley
23006 139 Ave
Springfield Gardens, NY 11413

Twitter :dwightworley

Journal News President:

—Janet Hasson, 3 Gate House Lane Mamaroneck, NY 10534 (914) 694.5204


—Cyndee Royle, 1133 Westchester Ave., Suite N110, White Plains, NY 10604, 914-694-9300

–Nancy Cutler 9 Woodwind Ln, Spring Valley, NY. (845) 354 3485

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