Sacramento Father defends home from illegal aliens

The Sacramento Police Department has announced the arrest of one suspect in the home invasion robbery that left one person dead three other people wounded early today in the Pocket neighborhood of SacramentoIllegal Alien Arrested in home invasion

Thomas Ordonaz, an illegal alien, 21 was arrested about 18 hours after the gunfire erupted. He was booked for investigation of assault with a deadly weapon and being an accessory, police officials stated.

At 10 p.m., no other people in the shooting had been identified, pending the results of a preliminary investigation, according to department police spokesman Officer Doug Morse. Morse said that at 3:29 a.m. officers responded to reports of shots fired on Haven Court off Greenhaven Drive in the Pocket area.

Upon arrival, officers quickly discovered that an exchange of gunfire had occurred between the homeowner and the would-be robbers. The fatally wounded intruder was pronounced dead at the scene by Sacramento Fire Department personnel

The homeowner and two other people were shot during the exchange of gunfire and suffered non-life-threatening injuries. The three were taken to a hospital for treatment.

Sacramento Police Department homicide detectives and crime scene analysts are investigating the circumstances that led to the shootout, Morse said.

“There were some juveniles in the home who didn’t live there, but they were not involved in the shooting and were not injured,” he said. It appears there was a sleepover, he added.

Police Officers stated, that the incident could have ended very differently, given the age and previous offenses of the offenders, they can not officially comment, but most two of the juveniles involved are been previously arrested for multiple counts of sexual assault.

The family did dial 9-1-1 in which it took approximately 7 minutes for police to arrive.

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