Bankrupt California gives free phones to the homeless

California debt may hover just above 16 billion dollars and continuing to grow as the states businesses leave in droves over tax hikes or face bankruptcy in a crime infested ever degrading social environment. With California’s 9.8 % reported unemployment rate, and an approximate 17.2% but that does not stop the states liberals to pour out their hearts wallets for California’s poor and dispossessed. The California Public Utilities Commission is launching a new program that would give the homeless and low-income people free cell phones – dubbed  “Obamaphones” – with free service, as seen in similar states such as Michigan, New York, New Jersey.  The idea is to help them reach out to possible job opportunities and stay connected with family, and possibly sway those who normally would not vote to vote in primary elections, and possibly vote  democrat.Homeless in California to get Obamaphones

The Head of San Francisco HOPE (Housing Opportunity, Partnerships and Engagement), Bevan Dufty, was overjoyed and stated “This is great –it is transformative for homeless and low-income people. I expect San Francisco to be in the forefront and a model city for this program. Fundamentally, to be in the mainstream of our society you have to have a phone. And really, for the homeless population, you need a cell phone because they don’t have a home to hard-wire one into. We really need this plan.”

The state has funded phones for the poor for years, but they were always hard line phones, not cell phones. The new program will give 250 minutes of time and 250 free text messages every month.


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