Armed Citizen saves cops life

Sgt. Steven Means of the Early Police Department in Texas, is one law enforcement officer that is thankful for the Second Amendment right for citizens to bear arms.

Early is a small community in central Texas with a population of just under 3,000. Back in August of this year, several residents of the Peach House RV Park got into a squabble.  Seems one of the residents, 58 year old Charles Conner took issue to his neighbors’ dogs doing their business in his yard.civilians-vs-police

On that hot summer day, Conner got into an argument with 58 year old David House, one of the dog owners.  Conner eventually left the argument and went to his RV only to return with a gun that he used to shoot House dead with.  Hearing the gun shots, the other dog owner, 53 year old Valentina Calaci ran from her RV screaming.  That’s when Conner turned and shot her dead also.

In his fit of rage, Conner then turned and shot both the dogs that he felt started the whole confrontation.

Shortly thereafter, Sgt. Means responded to the shots fired call.  The moment he got out of his car, Conner opened fire on him and then took cover behind a large tree.  Means tried to return fire with his AR-15, but Conner had the better position


Hearing all the gunfire outside, another resident of the RV park, Vic Stacy, looked to see what was happening.  When he saw that Conner had the better position, he felt that the officer’s life was in jeopardy.  Having a clear side view, he decided he needed to help the officer, so he took a shot from his vantage point and hit Conner in the thigh.  Although wounded, Conner was not giving up, so Stacy shot him again.  Sgt. Means was also able to get some shots off and eventually Conner was killed and the officer’s life was saved.

After other officers arrived at the scene and investigated what happened, they deemed Stacy to be the hero.  Brown County Sheriff Booby Grubbs commented, saying:

“The citizen that fired these shots did a tremendous job out there. Had he not had a gun and the presence of mind to do this, we don’t know what the outcome would’ve been.”

This is just one of hundreds of cases where legally armed citizens have used their guns to protect themselves, their families and others.  In this case, it was a police officer whose life was saved by an armed citizen.  Tomorrow, it could be you or one of your loved ones, that is if Obama doesn’t steal them all away from us


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