Police Chief wants to arm School Personnel

Police Chief Tim Fitch of St Louis county wants to arm civilian school personnel following Friday’s massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, comparing it to arming airline pilots after September 11, 2001.

“Pilots have been armed now for many many years, we’ve not had another hijacking and the issue is, for the bad guy, he doesn’t know which airplane he’s getting on, if the pilot is armed or not.” “I see it no differently,” he state.This Police chief wants to arm schools

Fitch said the killing will not be stopped by legislation or laws. “If there’s somebody that’s really hellbent on doing something like this, they’re not going to care what the law is.

“One of the first thing governments tend to cut back on in tight times are mental health services,” he said. “We know this individual has a mental health history in Connecticut, we’ve seen that in all the school shootings, and additional resources would be helpful. Concerning the possibility of gun control, Fitch said “it’s just not going to happen,” and called for an increased focus on mental health instead. But, last resort, somebody’s got to take action and they got to do it quickly.”


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