Man dies after 40 hours of Diablo III

An 18 year-old Taiwanese man has been found dead  at  internet cafe and playing Diablo III for 40 hours straight.dead after 40 hours of diablo 3

The teenager reportedly didn’t eat for two days, and was found by an employee on Sunday morning slumped over a table. After being woken, “he stood, took a few steps and then collapsed“.  The teenager was transported to the hospital, he was pronounced dead shortly after arriving.

The deceased had been playing the latest installment of the role-playing game developed by US-based Activision Blizzard Inc.

This is the second death in Taiwan from playing a video game this year.

In February, a man in New Taipei was found dead, slumped in a chair facing a computer with his arms still reaching out for the keyboard after playing for 23 hours. The cause of death was reported as cardiac arrest.


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