
Zombie eats womens face in China

A bus driver has been detained after he chewed on a female driver’s face after blocking her car on a road in Wenzhou City of Zhejiang Province. The incident is very reminiscent if recent Zombie Attacks in Florida earlier last month.zombie attack in china

Police Officials said the incident occurred near a bus station in Ouhai District at 2pm on Tuesday when a man surnamed Dong rushed onto the road and blocked the vehicle of a female driver.

The man then climbed on the car’s hood and started hitting the windshield while Du screamed inside, police said.

Several minutes later, Du got out of the car to flee as the man had broken through the cars windshield. but the man jumped on her and started chewing on her face once they were on the ground, police said.

Witnesses  said Du’s face was covered in blood, while several good samaritans  tried to pull Dong off the woman.  Police arrived on the scene and managed to pull him from the victim, but it took 5 officers  to subdue the man.

The Victim was taken to local hospital, where she remains in steady condition.  Doctors reported that the victim will require multiple plastic surgeries to repair the damage to her nose and lips that where bitten off and ingested

Chinese official media is reporting the man was heavily drunk.  Unofficial eye witness reports suggest the man had near superhuman strength, as it took five officers to tackle the man to the ground, and that the man, all though appeared to be alive the attack was very much like that of Zombie attacks found in horror films



Special Thanks to Our Readers for pointing this out


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