49 Other Gay Foods that people are protesting

Oreo caused a stir this last week by displaying an image of a rainbow stuffed Oreo cookie on its Facebook page in celebration of Gay Pride.  Well there is a whole group dedicated to banning 49 other foods as they are linked to “same sex marriages”

Beware, these are the foods they are Protesting, as they believe that homosexual (politically correct term, same-sex )couples have the right to get married, and be miserable like heterosexual couples

  • Betty Crocker
  • Good Earth
  • Muir Glen
  • Big G Cereals
  • Green Giant
  • Nature Valley
  • Bisquick
  • Haagen-Dazs
  • Old El Paso
  • Bugles
  • Hamburger Helper
  • Pillsbury
  • Cascadian Farm
  • Jus-Rol
  • Pillsbury Atta
  • Cheerios
  • Kix
  • Progresso
  • Chex
  • Knack & Back
  • Total
  • Cinnamon Toast Crunch
  • La Saltena
  • Totino’s/Jeno’s
  • Diablitos Underwood
  • Larabar
  • Trix
  • Fiber One
  • Latina
  • V. Pearl
  • Food Should Taste Good
  • Liberte
  • Wanchai Ferry
  • Frescarini
  • Lucky Charms
  • Wheaties
  • Fruit Snacks
  • Macaroni Grill
  • Yoplait
  • Gardetto’s
  • Monsters
  • Yoplait France
  • Gold Medal
  • Mountain High


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