Karen Klein, an example of the working elderly

Karen Klein, a bus monitor in Greece N.Y. earlier this week a video of group of middle school kids tormented and abused Klein.  The video went virual, sparking international media attention and a communitybus monitor karen klien outpouring of a donation site set up to send her on a vacation of a life time, with nearly half a million dollars donated at the time of the article ($449,968 USD)

While it is shocking to see this elderly woman, 68 get mistreated, its another example of how  the nations elderly are forced to work late well beyond the retirement years. According to Ehow, the average salary of a school bus monitor pays 26.699 per year, and clearly Karen while a victim of a crime, admitted earlier this week that she did not only report the incident, but as her job duties state, she failed to do her job.

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