Illegal Immigrant gets 14 years for killing 16 year old girl

–Mensa Arizona A 33-year-old Manuel Contreras-Galdean an illegal immigrant who killed 16-year-old Highland High School band student Kelly Tracy was sentenced  to 14 years in prison, plus four years probation


Manuel Contreras-Galdean plead guilty in October of 2009 and was sentenced to one count each of manslaughter and aggravated assault in the November 2008 crash in Mesa

According to Mesa Police, Contreras-Galdean failed to yield while making a left turn and crashed into Kelly’s car. Manuel Contreeas-Galdean admitted to police to have had six beers before the crash. She was pronounced dead at the hospital, and her then 17-year-old brother, Matthew, suffered serious injuries in the crash.


Who says illegal immigration is a victimless crime?

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