Increase Bitorrent speeds on Windows

Ever wonder why your Torrents upload and download speeds are slow despite being on Broadband? Well, most ISP’s (Internet Service Providers) use a product called Sandvine for packet shaping.  While this article does not go into details about packet shaping, it does offer a way around Sandvine on Windows



  • Step 1 Download WIPFW from
  • Step 2 Extract the downloaded zip to C:Program FilesWIPFW
  • Step 3 In the WIPFW directory, run install-deny.cmd
  • Step 4 Save the following in the file C:windowsSystem32driversetcprotocol


# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This file contains the Internet protocols as defined by RFC 1700
# (Assigned Numbers).
# Format:
# <protocol name> <assigned number> [aliases…] [#<comment>]

ip 0 IP # Internet protocol
icmp 1 ICMP # Internet control message protocol
ggp 3 GGP # Gateway-gateway protocol
tcp 6 TCP # Transmission control protocol
egp 8 EGP # Exterior gateway protocol
pup 12 PUP # PARC universal packet protocol
udp 17 UDP # User datagram protocol
hmp 20 HMP # Host monitoring protocol
xns-idp 22 XNS-IDP # Xerox NS IDP
rdp 27 RDP # “reliable datagram” protocol
rvd 66 RVD # MIT remote virtual disk

  • Step 5 Edit C:Program FilesWIPFWwipfw.conf in notepad.

Replace the contents with the following:

# wipfw.conf
# Replace 55024 with your bittorrent port and 55124 with your bittorrent port+100
# First flush the firewall rules
-f flush

# Localhost rules
add 100 allow all from any to any via lo*

# Prevent any traffic to, common in localhost spoofing
add 110 deny log all from any to in
add 120 deny log all from to any in

# Drop incoming packets with RST flag on BitTorrent port
# This is what thwarts Sandvine.
add deny tcp from any to me 55000-57000 tcpflags rst

# Add state stuff
add check-state
add pass all from me to any out keep-state
add count log ip from any to any

# Allow new incoming BitTorrent connections
add pass tcp from any to any 55000
add pass udp from any to any 57000

#File and Print Sharing

## Uncomment the lines below to Allow Microsoft SMB file sharing
#add pass tcp from any to me 135-139
#add pass udp from any to me 135-139
#add pass tcp from any to me 445

#add pass udp from any to me 445

  • Step 6 Go to Start -> Run
  • Step 7 type cmd and press enter
  • Step 8 type in net stop ipfw
  • Step 9 type in net start ipfw
  • Step 10 Configure your torrent client to use an outgoing port range. of 55000-57000

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