Illegal Alien goes on killing spree only to die from low rider pants

Hector Quinones blew away 24-year-old Carlos Rodriguez Jr.,  Carlos Rodriguez Sr., 52, and then fatally stabbed  Fernando Gonzalez, 87, to death before the elder Rodriguez’s wife and adult daughter unknowingly walked into the New York apartment they all shared.


As soon as Gisela Rodriguez, 49, and her daughter, Leyanis, 28, walked inside, Quinones, 44, shot Gisela ,grazing the back of her head, police said.

He then went after Gisela’s daughter, who  ran to a nearby bedroom. The killer was inches away from grabbing her but tripped over his low-slung pants, sources said.

Fleeing empty-handed, Quinones ditched his gun, a .38 semi-automatic pistol and attempted to use a rear fire escape, only to trip over his low slung pants, falling face first to his death three stories below.

The perp was an illegal alien.

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