Illegal Alien charged with molestation of 13 year old girl

Gabriel Alfonso Gil-Tzun age 23, has been charged by police in Novato, California with lewd and lascivious acts on a minor. He is also facing multiple charges, as he allegedly molested the 13-year-old girl on many occasions over the past few months.

Novato police Lt. Rich Hill said “The arrest is the result of an investigation which began several months ago. According to Hill, Gil-Tzun met the girl through a friend and has engaged in intercourse with her at his house”.

Months ago, a warrant was issued for Gil-Tzun’s arrest.

Last week, an off-duty officer noticed Gil-Tzun at a Terra Linda shopping mall. San Rafael police actually made the arrest.

Gil-Tzun is being held in the Marin County Jail. He is in the country illegally and Immigration and Customs Enforcement has issued a no-bail hold on him.


Just another shining example of how Illegal Immigration is not a victimless crime.

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