Man rides Bicycle 180 miles to have sex with a teen

Maryland–  William Wagner, age 26, of  414 Battery Drive, Havre de Grace, Md., met a  15-year-old girl on the Internet through the social networking Web site MySpace back in June of 2008.



In February, Mr. Wagner pleaded guilty to unlawful contact with a minor.

He slept at Pine Brook baseball field, Sanderson Avenue and Green Place, while he was in Scranton. He took the teen to the baseball field and had intercourse with her there several times, police said.

After he left Scranton, the girl told her parents she had sex with William Wagner. The parents reported the incident to police.

Judge ruled Wednesday William Wagner is to serve one to four years jail time.

After serving his prison sentence, William Wagner will have to register as a sex offender under Maryland’s Megan’s Law requirements for 10 years.

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